The term “spouse” refers to your legally married partner. You should include your spouse as part of your household even if you are currently living apart. Do not include someone as a spouse in your household if you are legally separated or divorced. If you have an unmarried domestic partner, you can include them as part of your household only if you have a child together or if you will claim them as a dependent on your tax filings.
Who can be included as a dependent in my health insurance coverage?
The people you should include in your household are those you are including when you file taxes. Here is a quick breakdown:
Legally married partner, even if not living with you (if married you must file taxes jointly to qualify for savings).
Tax dependents:
Child dependent or a child whose custody you share, only if claiming them as a dependent for the year of coverage.
Parent(s) you claim as dependents.
Sibling(s) you claim as dependents.
Unmarried domestic partner you claim as a dependent.
Non-tax dependents:
Child under 21 that you take care of & lives with you, even if not a tax dependent.
Child under 26 that is a non-dependent, only if you want to include them in the coverage.
Up to what age is someone considered a dependent?
There are some basic rules about the age of dependents that you must adhere to. Here’s a simple summary.
Your child counts as a dependent if under age 19 at the end of the year and younger than you or your spouse, if filing jointly.
A student under age 24 at the end of the year and younger than you or your spouse if filing jointly.
Permanently and totally disabled at any time during the year, regardless of age.
In addition, the Healthcare Marketplace also allows you to claim a child under the age of 26 who is not a dependent, only if you want to cover them on your Marketplace plan.
Do I need to provide my spouse's & dependent’s information if I do not want to include them in my coverage?
You would need to provide some information, but not all of it. Marketplace savings are based on expected income for all household members. It’s also calculated based on the number of members in your tax household. So, you should provide information on your spouse and dependents for accurate savings.
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